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Water Pump VL13

So I woke up at 8:30 went into the place I was parked at. They couldn't get me in but at 9:00 they would call around and find another location to get me in. I went back at 9:00 and nobody apparently had space for me today. Same issues as everywhere not enough staff and half the staff doesn't show up.

So I make a bazillion phone calls. Another place 4 MI away says no problem shouldn't be an issue. I limp it there with the temperature gauge hovering towards the edge of the red zone the entire time.

When I arrive I find I'm second in line. I'm ready to just wait around all day. They bring me the news…it'll be $1,000 and they can't do it today. Again same issues not enough staff and the most they do have don't always show.

So I'm like what the fuck! So much for taking pity on a traveler. I start calling all the mobile mechanic places I can find and Sunday open places in the entire area. Of course by now it's noon and no one's going to be able to fix it today by 4:00 p.m. or whenever they close.

So I resort to Craigslist! Ever since I started using it heavily in Portland it has always come to the rescue but I haven't used it in a long long time. I call or text every Mobile mechanic I can find. Finally the guy that actually responds even though I'm sure everybody's just working on a car, comes to my rescue. We agree on a price and he says he'll be there by 3:00 p.m.

By this time I'm exhausted and can't keep awake so I go in the back to pass out but leave the doors open to the fresh air.

Luckily the place I was at halfway condoned that I use their parking lot to fix my van.

Fast forward to 3 hours later and there's somebody knocking on the door and his face is in the van. I was dead asleep. He seem like a good guy on the phone seems like a good guy in person end up chatting for a bit and he says he wants to get started and then we can just drive up to AutoZone to get some parts he'll let me use a credit card even and use his discount. Woohoo!

Long story short and 600 plus dollars later my mechanic new best friend while in the rain for hours and hours had replaced the water pump, seals and I have an extra thermostat now and a new radiator cap.

We were basically done with the hard work and he just needed to go to the store to get something cold to drink and a snack. He was so soaked I gave him a t-shirt so he wouldn't freeze when he walks into air conditioning. We hung out for a bit and then spent a long time pouring coolant into the van which uses about 5 gallons.

So we parted ways on a high note I paid him and the world was good once again. Lesson learned trust your gut and if the van ain't running it doesn't matter how f****** nice your bed or your cooler or whatever is you're not going anywhere!

Thanks Mr mechanic!