The Depths of My Obsessions - RDM

…Is a flashlight. Let me explain:

Have you ever seen a, let’s say Macbook Pro and just wanted to gently dry hump it. I mean it just looks so nice and ridiculously well designed AND it’s in a ridiculous retail space that’s all neat and tidy. Well, some items are designed in such a way that we experience, what the eastern religions called Dukkha. Essentially the suffering of life, the “I can’t live without my morning coffee, and if I can’t have it I’ll die” thingie.

Yes most people have a macbook pro and only surf the web. I’m one of those. However mine is 10 years old and just now I’m started to do video editing as well…so I don’t feel too much like an idiot about spending $1000 on it.

In Japan in the late nineties I was there and a group of us all sorely wanted a Japanese cell phone. In fact everything in Japan made you say “oh man that’s neat!”

Japanese cell phones don’t work in America.

But they were small, fancy, could browse the web in color, play full color video games (I don’t even like video games either!!) and their battery lasted like a month. No to mention they were $60-$100. American ones were hundreds of dollars. But they just had that thing that you couldn’t describe and we wanted one.

Well, it’s happened again. Fuck you Rovyvon company. Your goddamn keychain flashlights…which is a term that does not do them justice by the way. Perhaps “Ghost Lights” would be better because they’re so small. So nifty. So neat. Of course their battery life stinks, they can’t stay on full power for more than a minute or so. Lots of them also die in 1 week to six months even though there is two year warranty. For scale in pics below. These are about the size of a AAA battery or maybe AA.

I have the Dukkha though! I want one! Especially this one…

…or is it this one…

…or is it this one…

I don’t know! But I want them all. Then a little further down the rabbit hole I found out that one of the more well known lights companies came out with almost an exact copy and made it work more reliably and longer it seems. Of course it doesn’t ha…

I don’t know! But I want them all.

Then a little further down the rabbit hole I found out that one of the more well known lights companies came out with almost an exact copy and made it work more reliably and longer it seems. Of course it doesn’t have a clip on it, which is half the fun because you can clip it on your hat brim for a head lamp! But they’re half the price or even less than half, for some of these Rovyvons are pricey.

So if I really wanted/needed a small EDC or EveryDay Carry, this would not be the light I’d get. For everyday purposes I don’t need a red light. I’m not reading in a tent! No, there would be tons of other lights that could meet my needs. These other lights would be brighter, longer battery life, slightly larger maybe and possibly pricier, but they would meet my needs not wants.

manker E02.jpg

Like this one…

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Or this one

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Or even this one

So there are many many other better options that I also don’t really need.

But fuck that I want the cute little toy one!

The Dukkha is real! ugghhhh arrrgghh! Must resist!

Save yourselves! Run away!

Love Dilley


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